Palestinian American Society of Engineers (PASE), Board Member

Mr. Nader Mohammad KamalP.E., Born in Jordan in 1958. Originally from Palestine, Jerusalem.

SUMMARY: Thirty-one years of civil engineering experience with the City of Sacramento focusing on transportation projects.

My role as a Division Manager was to manage the City’s investment in new transportation infrastructure. By planning, funding, and delivering capital improvement projects, and reviewing private development projects, the division improves the safety and usability of the City’s transportation system for all users:  pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles. The division delivers road, bridge, traffic signal, and streetlight improvement projects, and provides planning, design, inspection, and survey services.

EDUCATION:   B.S. Degree, Civil Engineering, 1985, California State University, Sacramento.

REGISTRATIONS:  Engineering License – California

Joined the City of Sacramento in 1990. Retired from the City of Sacramento as a Division Manager in 2021.

Married and have two Kids